bee bot

To day for mon day mashup i did bee bots we learn how to make a path for the bee bot my group did amunus path for it it was hard to make it tooke anoing coode to make . the amunus was sipmpuol but hard to make but we did it


I have been doing origami for Action Stations.

Last Friday, at  action stations, I made a creeper. The teacher helped me and made a box for origami . The creeper was made of one black origami sheet and one  green origami sheet. I cut the green sheet into 6 pieces and  glued them to the black origami sheet . Origami is fun to make  boxes bots.


Life education

Today we did life education. We learn  about 9 basic needs and how the heart works and the vans . blood moves through the body and to the heart. The 9 basic needs r oxygen food healthy water exercise sleep love safety clean shelter.  We watch a video about the heart and we had disco party with herald it was fun . Did you know you’re blood is blue?

food groups

In week 2 we learnt  about different food groups we . Could add yugr and banana on the side and leituce and add moor grain to lasagne  and moor fruit and veg and moor protein dairy .  And add moor dairy we learnt to eat evreday food like con apple and eat gran evreday like wetbix . we learnt to eat healthy like apple pineapple watermelin  and broccoli .

Digital create

For Monday Mashup, I chose digital creates. I made a monster in  digital sketch pad. It is made of pandas, penguins and shapes. It was fun. It has giant penguins for hands and chunky panda feet. My monster is called Chunky Panda. He eats cookies, tacos,  bamboo and  ice cream. We had to pick one. I picked monster. My monster;’s home  is a tree house. A panda rides my monster. My monster hates vegetables. It likes sweets its favourite sweet is cookies it has a pet pug panda penguins.